ACTION: South African E-TV continues to push porn
As Christians we need to be concerned when evil takes over our country, especially via the airwaves. It is in the minds of people that the battle is either won or lost! When it comes to images, most often, words just cannot compete. This is why pornography is so quick to enslave its viewers, almost never to let go of those people.
E-TV is continually at the forefront of degrading women, defending their stance without a hint of blushing! E-TV has shown itself to be the hand-maiden of the devil when it comes to spreading filth, while claiming it is a free-speech right.
You, the viewers can put a stop to it, if you dare! Do not live in a dream world in which you think someone else will fight this battle for you! If you think like this, you are gravely mistaken, living in la-la land! It is you, and you, and you who need to fight and win these battles, NOT, them, and them, and them!
To reiterate Edmund Burke’s quote, mentioned below:
That’s right, while we sit and do nothing, evil grows like a sickening, deformed cancer all over our country!
So, please take some time to write to these people at E-TV mentioned by Errol Naidoo of FPI in his Action Alert below. Seriously, it will not kill you, and it certainly won’t lessen you as a human being. In fact, maybe it will build some more courage into the fibre of your being!
E-TV/Naked News Combine Forces to Degrade Women E-tv has stepped up its policy of sexually exploiting women by broadcasting the appallingly degrading Naked News program on the channel on Fridays/Saturdays for the next 3 months. The free-to-air channel appears to be testing the South African viewer’s response to their flirtation with pornography. E-tv’s late night broadcast of sexually explicit content is nothing new. Despite evidence of children viewing smut on E-tv, the channel insists on broadcasting pornography. In an attempt to distance E-tv from this deplorable program Vasili Vass, E-tv head of publicity said, “The broadcast of Naked News has nothing to do with E-News, it’s completely sponsor funded.” However, despite Vass’s attempts to shift the blame, E-tv must take full responsibility for airing a program that re-inforces the destructive stereotype that women are mere sex objects. YOU CANNOT REMAIN SILENT ABOUT THIS TERRIBLE DEGRADATION OF WOMEN ON NATIONAL TV! Please urgently write to E-tv C.O.O, Bronwyn Keene-Young at and Monde Twala, Group Head E-tv channel at and demand the channel immediately cancel the broadcast of Naked News as well as all other pornographic programs that demean women. Please also copy in E-tv Head of Publicity, Vasili Vass at Freedom of Expression does not guarantee the right to degrade an entire gender on national TV. Evidence suggests thousands of children are being exposed to sexually explicit content on E-tv. Please write today! E-tv may be testing the waters before proceeding with a full blown porn channel. Waiting for a broadcast sponsor is the depraved "Porn Star" program initiated by the Sexpo organisers, in which contestants perform live sex acts in front of a panel of judges. The porn merchants and their supporters in the liberal media will succeed if you do not act! Please ask your Church Pastor to distribute this alert to every member of the congregation. You and I must act now before our television channels are flooded with pornographic filth! Edmund Burk said, “All that is necessary for evil to prosper is that good people do nothing.” You and I cannot remain silent when women are demeaned and degraded for financial gain and children exposed to harmful sexually explicit content on national free-to-air television. If E-tv does not respond to our demands, you and I and every Christian citizen in South Africa must commit to a nationwide switch-off of E-tv and a targeted boycott of their sponsors. It is essential we make a bold and decisive stand today. There is much at stake. Pornography degrades and objectifies women & children and is a major contributor to divorce, family breakdown, the sexual exploitation of women & children, prostitution & general moral decay. Let us send out a clear message today that you and I will not tolerate the social degradation of women & children, nor will we stand idly by while our airwaves are turned into sewers of filth. Please write today and make your voice heard! The integrity and dignity of millions of women and children depend on your and my action. Together, you and I can protect women & children in SA! Standing Errol Naidoo P.S. Please forward this to a friend | ||
Family Policy Institute 37 Roeland St Cape Town 8001 | ![]() | T:+27 (0) 21 462 7888 F:+27 088 (0)21 462 7889 E: |
To whom it may concern, and those mentioned above:
South Africa is a country with many difficulties, and one of those is how women are treated, one of those difficulties being rape and abuse. While the peddlers of pornography like to deny it, pornography has been shown as having a direct link to rape and women abuse.
As a broadcaster, E-TV therefore has a responsibility not to continue this typecasting of women in South Africa as sex objects. With the proposed screening of "Naked News" and "Porn Star," E-TV will continue the debasing and degrading of women everywhere, perpetuating the idea that women are sex objects.
This is not freedom of expression, and goes against the grain of human dignity and intrinsic value. There can be no freedom of expression if there is no accountability in that expression, meaning that it becomes mere expressionistic anarchy.
I would like to request you not to air these programs and similar smut on E-TV. If you do continue, I and others thinking similarly, will have no recourse but to stop watching anything E-TV transmits and to boycott ALL E-TV sponsors.
William Dicks
"Moral crusaders with zeal but no ethical understanding are likely to give us solutions that are worse than the problems."
-- Charles Colson, How Now Shall We Live?
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Gulielmus Contra Mundum
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