About BiblioPolit

Monday, August 31, 2009

Nomination process for Commissioners to the South African Human Rights Commission is open

Human Rights must always be balanced by simple common sense, of which there is little in the world these days, and built upon the privileges of life that God established in the Bible. Rights should also be counter-balanced by responsibilities.

Please nominate Christians to this commission!

The following arrived in my Inbox from the Parliamentary Monitoring Group:

Nominations: Commissioners to the South African Human Rights Commission

Advertisements were placed in the media  in May 2009 calling for nominations  for five full-time Commissioners to the  South African Human Rights  Commission (SAHRC). The closing date for those nominations was 8 May 2009.

The  Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development, which has  been  tasked by the National Assembly with making recommendations on the  names of  persons to fill the vacancies in the Commission, has decided to  reopen the  nomination process. This is because the National Assembly may  decide to nominate  more than 5 Commissioners and may also decide to nominate  part-time as well as  full-time Commissioners.

Nominations are, therefore, invited from  individuals, organisations,  institutions and civil society for suitable persons  to be appointed as  full-time or part-time Commissioners to the SAHRC.

The  nominees must:
  • Be South  African citizens who are fit and proper to serve on  the  SAHRC
  • Comply  with any other  requirements prescribed by national legislation, in particular  the Human  Rights Commission Act, 1994
  • Possess  suitable  qualifications, expertise and experience in the area of human   rights,
In accordance with the  provisions of  the Human Rights Commission Act and Constitution, the National  Assembly may  recommend persons for appointment for a fixed term, as the  President may  determine at the time of such appointment, but not exceeding  seven  years.

The persons recommended for appointment as Commissioners must:
  • Promote  respect for, and a  culture of, human rights, including rights to information and   equity
  • Promote  the protection, development and attainment of human  rights
  • Monitor  and assess  the observance of human rights
  • Act  impartially and  independently, without fear, favour or prejudice, in the conduct  of their  duties
  • Actively  promote public  awareness of and education on human rights and assist members of  the public  in accessing their rights
  • Be  involved in the investigation of alleged human rights abuses  or violations and  recommend measures for redress
  •  Contribute to the research  and  reporting functions of the SAHRC.
Nominations must  contain the full  name, postal/e-mail address and contact details of the  person or organisation  making the nomination, a signed acceptance of the  nomination by the nominee and  a Curriculum Vitae (CV) providing the  nominees:
  • Full  name, ID number and gender
  • Contact  details, including  physical address, telephone/cell number and e-mail   address
  • Relevant  previous experience (including relevant dates and  organisations  concerned)
  • Academic  qualifications.
Nominations  can be emailed to Committee Secretary Mr Vhonani  Ramaano at vramaano@parliament.gov.za by no   later than Friday, 4 September 2009 at  17:00.

NB:Nominees who complied with all the  requirements set out  in the advertisement of May 2009 need not reapply, as their  nominations have  already been accepted for consideration.

Enquiries: Mr V  Ramaano tel. (021) 403-3820, cell: 083 7098427

Issued by Mr Ngoako  Ramatlhodi MP: Chairperson: Portfolio Committee on  Justice and Constitutional  Development

Thank you,
Mlulami Dodo
Parliamentary Monitoring  Group
Website: http://www.pmg.org.za
Access to all  Parliamentary Committee information
Email mlulami@pmg.org.za
Tel 021 465  8885

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Nomination process for Public Protector in South Africa is open

Nominations for Public protector in South Africa has been opened again. If you know someone who would do well in this position, please nominate that person! It would be excellent to get a godly Christian in this position!

Nominations must be in by
Friday, 4 September 2009 at 16:00.

I just received the following from the Parliamentary Monitoring Group:

Nominations: Public Protector

The Office of  the Public Protector is an institution supporting  constitutional democracy,  established in terms of sections 181 to 183 of  Chapter 9 of the Constitution.  Although it may not investigate court  decisions, the Office of the Public  Protector must investigate matters  related to maladministration in relation to  the affairs of Government,  improper conduct by persons in the Public Service,  improper use of public  money, improper or unlawful enrichment of a person  performing a public  function, as well as acts or omissions by a person  performing a public  function that result in improper prejudice to another  person.

The Public Protector must accordingly seek to strengthen and  support  constitutional democracy through conducting investigations into alleged   improper conduct by organs of State, facilitate resolution of disputes,  reports  and recommend remedial action and raise public awareness about its  role and  responsibilities. The Public Protector must be accessible to all  persons and  communities and must be efficient and effective in the execution  of its duties.  The Office of the Public Protector must be broadly  representative of the  population of South  Africa in both race and  gender.

In  accordance with the provisions of section 193 of the Constitution, the  National  Assembly hereby invites nominations from individuals,  organisations,  institutions and civil society for a suitable person to be  appointed as Public  Protector.

The nominee must:
  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be fit and proper to hold the office of the Public  Protector
  • Comply with any other requirements prescribed by national legislation, in. particular the Public Protector Act,  1994.
In  accordance with  the provisions of the Public Protector Act and Constitution, the  National  Assembly may recommend a person for appointment by the President for a   non-renewable term of seven years. The person recommended for appointment as   Public Protector must
  • Be  suitably qualified and experienced with a reputation for  honesty and  integrity
  • Be  subject only to the Constitution and the  law
  • Be  impartial and must exercise his her powers and perform his /  her functions  without fear, favour or prejudice thus preserving the Office's   independence
  • Maintain high standards of trustworthiness
  • Account for decisions and actions
  • Display courtesy to all, treating people with dignity and   respect
  • Be  sensitive towards and understand stakeholders' needs and   feelings
  • Strive to execute responsibilities fairly and consistently with  due  regard for the facts of each matter
Nominations  must  contain the full name, address/ e-mail address and contact details of the   person or organisation making the nomination, a signed acceptance of the   nomination by the nominee and a Curriculum Vitae (CV) providing the  nominee's: 
  • Full name, ID number and gender
  • Contact details, including physical address, telephone/cell  number and  e-mail address
  • Relevant previous experience (including relevant dates and  organisations  concerned)
  • Academic   qualifications.
NB: Persons who submitted nominations by 8 May  2009, in  response to the earlier advert, need not resubmit.

Nominations must reach Committee Secretary  Mr Thembinkosi Ngoma  at tngoma@parliament.gov.za    by no later than Friday, 4 September 2009 at 16:00. 

Enquiries: tel:  Mr Thembinkosi Ngoma (021) 403-3733, cell: 072 145   9368

Issued by: Adv TM Masutha, MP:   Chairperson of the ad Hoc Committee to Nominate Person for Appointment as  Public  Protector.

Thank you,
Mlulami Dodo
Parliamentary Monitoring  Group
Website: http://www.pmg.org.za <../../../../../../>
Access to all  Parliamentary Committee information
Email mlulami@pmg.org.za
Tel 021 465  8885

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Weeding as done by the Topgear presenters: KABOOM!

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

I do not want these thugs to defend my country!

Ill-disciplined! No national or military honour! That is my opinion of these soldiers that should have the character to do battle for our country against evil foes!

But, no! These thugs would rather take to the streets with all kinds of hand weapons, destroying private and public property as they march on. Soldiers, who have sworn to fight for this nation and to die for it if necessary have no business taking to the streets marching on the capital, acting in the exact opposite manner in which they have sworn to act. This is dereliction of duty! Our own police department had to shoot at these thugs with rubber bullets to restore order. What does that say about the men in our military?

My question would be why these thugs joined the military in the first place! Was it to get a salary, or to become defenders of our country? If it was for the former, then they have made the wrong choice! These are the kind of people that will desert their country in battle and difficult times, because they do not have the strength of character, nor do they serve this country with honour!

When I was in the army we only received about R60 per month, and when we fought in the Angolan Border War we were paid about R150 per month. Here we fought for the honour of our country! Our men died there, yet we pressed on to battle evil.

These so-called soldiers behaving like thugs have no battles! They do not face death every day! They do not march in the bush for weeks, many times without food, still facing the enemy! The only enemies they face today are their bank balance, their dishonourable conduct, their criminal behaviour! In the proverbial story of mice and men, they do not even qualify as mice! They are cowards who do not deserve to serve in the military. They are a disgrace to this nation and should be punished accordingly.

Oh, that our country would be defended by men of honour and not just men with the mentality of boys looking for a salary. It is time that the real men in our military deal with these thugs!

With people in our military like this, it will indeed be a dark day when real war comes back to our doorstep!

Let's pray that day never happens!

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Do you use Google Alerts?

Have you heard of Google Alerts? It could save you lots of time searching for relevant topics.

I have been using Google Alerts for some time now. There are certain topics that I like to keep track of, and without having to constantly search for it on Google, I let Google Alerts inform me when a new article/blog post has appeared on the web that uses the term or phrase that I want to be kept informed about.

As an example, let's say you would like to be kept informed about a certain political party (I keep and eye on two political parties: the African Christian Democratic Party and the Christian Democratic Alliance). Whenever something about that party is said on the internet, and Google has found those articles and indexed them in its search system, it will email you with a link to the article, and the first few sentences in that article. I use the phrase "African Christian Democratic Party" and "ACDP" to maintain my alerts about the
African Christian Democratic Party.

Of course, if you are an entertainment junkie and still think that movie actors and singers are stars and heroes (shame on you!), you can ask Google Alerts to inform you when something new has been written about those fallen stars.

You can set your alerts up in different ways to keep track of the same thing as I showed in my example about political parties above. For instance, if you would like to be kept informed about that ultra-leftist, liberal communist, Barack Obama, you can set up alerts on the following: "Barack," "Obama," "Barack Obama," "The One" (dripping with sarcasm here), "Barry Soetoro," "ObamaCare" and many more. In this way you will be able to keep tabs on the man who has never had a real job apart from his political mis-carriageeer. He also taught some un-constitutional law on the side.

So, make life easy on yourself, and start using Google Alerts!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Modesty, beauty pageants and hypocrisy

Like most people you have probably heard about the Carrie Prejean, Miss California, Miss U.S.A. debacle. There are differences on both sides of the church aisle on this issue. Stan Guthrie wrote an interesting article called A Modest Proposal: Truth, Grace, and Carrie Prejean.

You hypocrite!Of course, the whole issue made me think of the cartoon above. It is amazing how the liberal left likes to point fingers at conservatives. Whenever a conservative messes up, he would get tagged as a hypocrite. That is very rich coming from the left. The only reason why the left thinks that they are so wonderful is because their standards are so very low. It is so easy to keep to those standards.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Using the Flock web browser

I have been using Flock for some time now. What is Flock? Good grief! You must be living under a very heavy rock that has you stuck in a very deep, muddy groove!

Flock is a web browser. Ha! But, it is not just a web browser. It is a browser on social steroids!

With Flock, you can be connected to several social networks at once, such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and more. You can also be connected to various media sites such as Youtube, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa and more. Further, it hooks you up with your blogging site, such as Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, etc. Yet further, you can also be connected to your webmail service such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail and AOL Mail. All of this while you do not have one of these sites open as a web page in your browser.

In Flock, you will see all your new feeds from Facebook, Twitter, etc. You will even know when you have new mail.

You can also blog using Flock's own blog editor. In fact, this is the first time I am using the Flock blog editor with this very post. For instance, I simply dragged the Flock logo below from the Flock website to this editor. Voila!

Just like Firefox, Flock is also powered by Mozilla. So, what you think you have in Firefox, you will get tons more in Flock. Many of the Firefox add-ons also work in Flock.

Anyhow, I have done enough plugging for Flock now. You actually need to install it and use it to see what a great browser it really is.

Finally, I also dragged this Youtube video straight from Flock's Media Bar onto the blog

Cool, huh?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

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Obama is confused about his enemies and friends

Perhaps Obama has a different agenda...

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