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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sad story of botched family suicide

When my wife told me the story about this little angelic little boy in Grade 1, that sat in her class just the previous day, reading to her from his little reader, and now was no more, I had to fight to keep the tears back.

My wife is head of department for the junior phase at a school that provides education to children with all kinds of disabilities, from A.D.D. to cerebral palsy, down syndrome and autism.

The boy was battling with his reading and the way I understand, he had made a lot of progress in his speech and reading. He tried so hard that day when he read to my wife, and he did so well, that she praised him and gave him a gold star for doing so well. When he saw the gold star and that teacher Charlaine was so happy with the way that he read, he beamed from ear to ear. With his angelic little face, he beamed with pride at his accomplishment. At moments like these, my wife also feels that she is accomplishing something with these little ones that can sometimes be very difficult to handle.

Then, suddenly, on Friday--22 May 2009--the news came that the mother had attempted a family suicide. She was a captain in the South African Police Services. What drove her, a single mother, to this point is not clear yet, but she gassed herself and her 7-year old boy in her car which was parked in the garage. She survived, he did not! If she thought that life was difficult before this attempt, I can only imagine how difficult it is going to be for her when she realizes that her son was now dead, and she has to live with that on her conscience. Apart from that, the possibility is great that she will be charged with murder, or something similar.

Last night my wife told me that the kids at the school are starting to find out why little Ronnie* was no longer at school. Many of them are talking about it and my wife feels that the school should actually get all the children together to inform them about the situation and about where Ronnie was now. This will allow those that knew him at the school to have a chance of saying goodbye and to get closure about their little friend that will never be with them any more.

* Ronnie is not his real name for the sake of the family's privacy.
Read the first news article about this sad event here.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Susan Boyle through to 'Britain's Got Talent' finals

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

South Africa can become a haven for sex traffickers!

I received the following newsletter from the Family Policy Institute.

It would be wise to read it and to start writing into newspapers in our battle against the legalization of all kinds of evil in this country. We already have open abortion laws, legalization of pornography and homosexual "marriage." We must do our utmost to stop the legalization of prostitution.

Legalised Prostitution Will Remove Barriers to
Sex Traffickers & International Crime Syndicates in SA!

The deceptive and morally reprehensible agenda to decriminalise prostitution in South Africa has a powerful ally in the secular liberal media establishment.

On Friday 15 May E-Newschannel Anchor Andrew Barnes conducted a 10 minute live interview with SWEAT representative Eric Harper on decriminalising prostitution in SA.

Tragically, the entire interview was overtly sympathetic to SWEAT's views on prostitution.

More worrying however, was the deliberate exclusion of an alternative viewpoint being expressed on an issue of critical importance to all South Africans.

Eric Harper was allowed to attack those who opposed the decriminalisation of prostitution with impunity referring to them as "knee jerk moralizers" and "having their heads in the sand".

A recent survey revealed that 79% of South Africans oppose decriminalised prostitution.

I immediately sent an e-mail to E-Newschannel challenging their biased reporting which essentially amounted to censorship of the views of the vast majority of SA citizens.

Ten minutes later I received a telephone call inviting me to participate in a live debate from their C.T. studios with Vivienne Lalu of SWEAT. (Ms Lalu was already in their JHB studios).

As it turned out, E-Newschannel arranged two separate interviews with SWEAT on the same day without bothering to invite a single representative to express an opposing viewpoint.

The live debate at 7:30pm on Friday 15 May was clearly biased in favour of SWEAT. I was interrogated about the integrity of my research, while Ms Lalu's claims were accepted without question. This is clearly a violation of the journalistic code of ethics.

The print media are no better. Eighty percent of reporting on the Law Reform Commission's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution contained comments from SWEAT or organisations in favour of decriminalisation while a few paragraphs are provided for an opposing viewpoint.

I appeal to the Christian Media in South Africa to expose the blackout of the truth about prostitution by regularly broadcasting interviews and debates on this critical issue.

The Daily Telegraph reported (18 May) that ILLEGAL brothels are exploding across Sydney amid accusations all levels of government are doing little to drive them out of business.

It's been claimed "tough" new laws have failed to prevent unprotected sex, slavery and corruption. An investigation by The Daily Telegraph has revealed illegal brothels and escort services outnumber licensed establishments by four to one and the gap is growing.

Click here to read the full article on the website

This is happening despite prostitution being legalised in Australia. Remarkably, this is the same argument SWEAT uses to advance its theory that decriminalisation will solve our problems.

South Africa's liberal media refuses to acknowledge and report on the hundreds of warnings emanating from across the world about the dangers of global sex trafficking including the explosion of child prostitution and organised crime in nations that legalised prostitution.

Decriminalising prostitution will throw open the doors to pimps and gangs & will remove barriers to crime syndicates & international sex traffickers to operate with impunity in SA.

As a result of widespread media bias, I need your help to get our message heard across the nation that decriminalising prostitution in SA is the equivalent of national social suicide.

FPI has compiled a fact based summary of key points detailing the dangers of decriminalising prostitution in South Africa. Please see attachments at the foot of this e-mail.

Please pass on this information to every Christian or Christian organisation you know.

Standing (Eph 6:13)

Errol Naidoo

Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.docx (14K)
Prostitution - fact based summary.doc (79K)
Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.docx (17K)

For those who do not have Microsoft Office 2007 (MS Word 2007), you may not be able to read the two .docx files as they are new formats from version 2007. However, if you use the free OpenOffice 3.0, you will be able to read these documents. If you do not have OpenOffice, I have taken the liberty to convert these two documents to standard .doc files (Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.doc and Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.doc).

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Cruelty: the culture of the Middle East?

A video, run by ABC News, shows the cruelty of Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a younger brother of Abu Dhabi's current ruler and president of the seven-member United Arab Emirates federation, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. ABC News summarized the video:

"The Sheikh begins by stuffing sand down the man's mouth, as the police officers restrain the victim. Then he fires bullets from an automatic rifle around him as the man howls incomprehensibly. At another point on the tape, the Sheikh can be seen telling the cameraman to come closer. 'Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Let his suffering show,' the Sheikh says.

"Over the course of the tape, Sheikh Issa acts in an increasingly sadistic manner. He uses an electric cattle prod against the man's testicles and inserts it in his anus. At another point, as the man wails in pain, the Sheikh pours lighter fluid on the man's testicles and sets them aflame. Then the tape shows the Sheikh sorting through some wooden planks. 'I remember there was one that had a nail in it,' he says on the tape. The Sheikh then pulls down the pants of the victim and repeatedly strikes him with board and its protruding nail."

You can read more about it here.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Plan to give your comments to the SALRC on adult prostitution in South Africa

The Family Policy Institute has released the following concerning the S. A. Law Reform Commission's release of their discussion paper on adult prostitution for public comment:

S. A. Law Reform Commission Releases Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution for Public Comment

The South African Law Reform Commission will be hosting workshops around the country to discuss law reform with regard to Adult Prostitution. 

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the proposals contained in the discussion paper on Sexual Offences: Adult Prostitution and to focus on law reform initiatives in this regard.

The discussion paper is heavily weighted in favour of decriminalising prostitution despite research revealing this policy will be catastrophic for corruption riddled South Africa

SWEAT and other anti-family groups have been lobbying hard to decriminalize prostitution in South Africa to advance their own nefarious agendas despite overwhelming public opposition.

I appeal to all pro-family groups, Churches and Para-church organizations to attend a workshop in their areas to defend the dignity of women and the integrity of the family.

The workshops are the first step in formulating policy to amend the Sexual Offences Act

Family Policy Institute will be lobbying for the criminalisation of the entire sex industry with particular focus on arresting & prosecuting men who solicit and buy sex.

FPI will also provide solutions to get women and girls of the streets and into sustainable rehabilitation programmes that will restore their human dignity.

I have compiled an easy to read summary of several key points explaining why prostitution must not be decriminalised or legalised in South Africa.

You need to be equipped with this vital information to help bolster your arguments against decriminalising or legalising prostitution.

Please download and print the attached documents at the foot of this e-mail and use as a handy reference tool at the workshop

The Commission will consider inputs made and use insights gained during the deliberations in drafting its report on Sexual Offences: Adult Prostitution and its final recommendations to the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development.

That is why it is vital that pro-family groups attend and submit their recommendations!

Please respond immediately there are only 100 places available at each workshop!

The workshops will be conducted in

Pretoria on 19 May 2009             please srvp before 18 May 2009

Johannesburg on 26 May 2009   please rsvp before 18 May 2009

Cape Town on 28 May 2009        please rsvp before 20 May 2009

Durban on 2 June 2009               please rsvp before 28 May 2009

Mokopane on 11 June 2009        please rsvp before 3 June 2009

Nelspruit on 18 June 2009          please rsvp before 10 June 2009

Mmabatho on 23 June 2009       please rsvp before 15 June 2009

Kimberley 25 June 2009             please rsvp before 16 June 2009

Port Elizabeth 30 June 2009     
please rsvp before 22 June 2009

Kindly rsvp by immediately requesting an invitation to a workshop in your area. Fax it to 086 686 39938 or 086 681 7274 or mail it to capienaar@justice.gov.za, or dclark@justice.gov.za or napillay@justice.gov.za. You may also contact Ms Pillay by telephone (012) 392 9571/40.

The Commission will provide light refreshments for lunch. Workshop participants will be responsible for their own transport and accommodation.

A copy of the Discussion Paper is available on request from the Law Reform Commission or may be accessed on the Law Reform Commission's website at: http://salawreform.justice.gov.za. Some copies of the discussion paper and summaries thereof will be made available at the workshop.

Please take a stand against the sexual exploitation of women and children in South Africa!

Standing (Eph:6:13)
Errol Naidoo

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"Gay gene" remains a myth

"Folks, the homosexual activist movement and its fellow travelers have gotten a ton of propaganda mileage out of the 'gay gene' myth, despite the lack of confirming research. Meanwhile, many who are liberal (or just ignorant) on this issue continue to assert that genetic homosexuality is a scientific fact, and the media play along due to laziness or bias. The same people, of course, are not swayed by the reality of contented 'ex-gays' — men and women who once identified as 'gay' but have left homosexuality behind. In fact, they often deny their existence. We welcome this step in the right direction from the decidedly pro-homosexual American Psychological Association. — Peter LaBarbera."

The "gay gene," I am happy to say, remains a myth. The American Psychological Association has backtracked on its previous claims that being gay is genetic.

Continue reading about it here.

Also read my post, The gene and homosexuality.

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"Cut abstinence funding, but keep funding the murder of babies"

Let's be brutally honest: No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!

But, why, oh, why are people so against funding abstinence programs in schools? To any sane person with at least one brain cell, it is quite evident that the only preventative measure that can work, and this can be deduced even before going through all kinds of testing, is abstinence! Of course, those that do not think abstinence works, must also believe that we are pollinated like flowers by the birds and the bees! That, of course, explains why so many liberals have unwanted children that they consequently murder through abortion!

The real problem that liberals have with abstinence is not that abstinence does not work. Their problem with abstinence is one of morality. They will not give up their heinous evil, because then they also have to agree that they are living immoral lives. Once they admit this, they also have to admit there is a God that they are accountable to, which they would not do, even to the point of death!

It is because of this deep-seated hate for God, and all things good and moral, that liberals will go out of their way to prove that abstinence programs do not work. Of course, programs do not work as well as the real thing. Programs of education can only be as effective as the belief in the program, of the one who teaches it! If the teachers that are supposed to teach abstinence are not convinced of the program, they certainly will not teach it with confidence and will definitely not create any confidence in abstinence by the students.

As a result, liberals have done some "research" some time ago and apparently have "proven" that abstinence programs do not work. The problem with this was that their test suite for abstinence programs was not the same as for their own comprehensive sex education in classes. Therefore, they compared apples and rotten eggs!

Now, on top of that, the Obamassiah, the One, wants to stop funding for abstinence programs. Of course, there was an uproar about this, as is only right! The White House responded to this uproar with its usual sugar-coated venom! The White House response:

"In the budget, 75 percent of funding in a new teenage pregnancy prevention program will be directed to programs that have demonstrated by rigorous research to prevent teen pregnancy. The rest of the funds will be directed to promising, but not yet proven, programs for which we have some indication that they achieve the goal of teen pregnancy prevention. Those programs would have to agree to participate in a rigorous evaluation and abstinence-only programs could qualify."

"Abstinence-only programs could qualify?" To quote my opening line: "No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!"

Researcher Stan Weed, in a congressional briefing, has shown "that not a single school-based comprehensive sex education curricula had compelling evidence for increasing consistent condom use." Further, Doug Kirby, a major proponent of comprehensive sex education and researcher on sex education issues, said that:

"the Mathematica study, which was commissioned by Congress and found abstinence education lacking, should not be used to determine the effectiveness of abstinence education. Huber expressed hope that the Obama administration would take a closer look at the most recent evidence, rather than relying on outdated data such as what was used in the Mathematica report."

The question, of course is, will the Obama administration be honest in dealing with this, or will it carry on in its path of providing every means to continue the moral downgrade of the American people, especially of the children?

Obama has already proven one point, he wants the murder of the unborn to continue, and he has made funding available worldwide to accomplish this "dream" of his! What are the chances that abstinence programs will continue in American schools? According to Obama's own track record, probably not great!

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

ANC cannot take defeat

The ANC's true colours keep showing up, and the truth of the matter is that their colours are certainly not that of the rainbow. In fact, its getting darker by the day!

Since DA leader, Helen Zille, has taken up office as the premier of the Western Cape, ANCYL (the ANC kiddie squad, umm, sorry, Youth League) and the MKMVA (the ANC gun squad and former military wing veterans, Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association) have had much to say about Zille.

Zille, as new premier of the Western Cape, has the right to put together the province's new cabinet, and so she has. But, according to the brats of the ANC ANCYL and others, the cabinet is too white and too male. Maybe national parliament and the cabinets of the other provinces are too black and too female, but we won't go there, since disagreement with this demi-god, ANC, means to be racist! Of course, that is how the ANC, since 1994, gets out of trouble from accusations of incompetence, etc. Call the accuser a racist!

Putting together a cabinet, is not the same as putting together a soccer, rugby or cricket squad! It is not the local country club! It has much greater importance than that! And it certainly has greater importance than the vindictive, racist policies of the ANC. The good of the nation, and of the Western Province, is of greater importance than keeping to an ANC set quota of blacks, whites and female.

The reason why so many departments in national and provincial governments are run so badly, several with deep rooted corruption, is exactly because the ANC still keeps to silly little quotas, as if they are putting together a balanced diet of food. If the best person for the job is not given the job, it cannot be expected to work out in the end.

Some rude comments have been made about Zille by the ANC for her strong white, male cabinet. They said that Zille put her boyfriends and concubines in the cabinet. Of course, that is the level of the rhetoric of ANCYL and their like. They don't deal with facts or logic, just simple slurs. What these people say about Zille and others point more to their own psychological make-up than it says anything about Zille. It shows a deep-seated immaturity and lack of social acuity.

The ANC's ex-military wing, MKMVA, apparently now a veteran's organization, has promised that they would render the Western Cape ungovernable if Zille does not retract a true statement about our new president, Jacob Zuma. A couple of years ago Zuma faced rape charges by a girl that is HIV positive. Stupidly, moronically and immorally, he had sex with someone not his wife. On top of this, the young lady is HIV positive, and he knew about her disease. His solution to having sex with the girl? He had a good shower after his immoral deed. So, how has this anything to do with Zille? She merely spoke the truth! Zuma has several wives. At last count it was 3 or 4 or ? Zille said that by having sex with the girl he put all his wives at risk with the same disease. Of course, this says a lot about the man, Zuma, and the people that voted for him!

MKMVA, a terrorist veteran's organization, wants Zille to retract this statement or they will render the Western Cape ungovernable!

The fact that these ex-soldiers are willing to mobilise, makes it very clear that they have not laid down their arms yet. The question of course is, where have they been involved with their mobilization otherwise? Are they the ones that are spearheading the criminal activity in this country, such as the 3047 farm murders? Are they the heavy handed ones in this country, just like the ex-terrorists have been in Zimbabwe?

The ANC are bad losers, and if this is a foreshadowing of their actions the day they lose a national election, then this country is really in for a difficult time. It is quite obvious that the ANC believes in democracy only as long as they win elections!

We'll have to wait and see!

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Friday, May 08, 2009

Putting them out of their misery

Colleen Figg, columnist for News24 wrote an opinion piece called 'Where is the mercy?', relating to euthanasia. In her commentary she relates a story of an old couple under great suffering due to the old man being in a wheelchair and in great pain. As a result she feels this man should have the choice of killing himself.

I wrote a blog post in 2005 on the issue of euthanasia. It may not cover all issues in that post, but it is a start. The post is called "Killing people using euphemisms."

Figg's last statement is: "If we are not truly our brother's keeper, then what is our purpose on this earth?" In my opinion, if I am my brother's keeper, I am supposed to keep him, not kill him!

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Will the South African government legalize prostitution? It depends on YOU!

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) is busy advancing its agenda of having prostitution legalized in South Africa in time for the 2010 soccer world cup!

SALRC has released a discussion paper heavily in favour of decriminalizing prostitution. This, despite overwhelming international evidence against this immoral policy.

YOU and your church can put a stop to this.

Read the SALRC's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution. This is a PDF file.

Please send your comments to Ms D. Clark at dclark@justice.gov.za no later than 30 June 2009. For more enquiries call Ms Dellene Clark at +27 (0) 12 392 9553 or Ms Carien Pienaar at +27 (0) 12 392 9561.

Please inform your church concerning this and start sending in your comments against the decriminalization of prostitution today!

YOU can make a difference NOW!

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Monday, May 04, 2009

Britain's Got Talent in small packages!

Talent comes in tiny packages!

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